frequently asked questions

Which class should I come to?

First, we suggest considering what you want out of your yoga practice. If you’re hoping for relaxation and stillness, try a Slow + Simple or Yin class. If you want something more physical, a Vinyasa Flow or Holistic Fitness class might be more your speed.

If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend the Slow + Simple classes. They are a great place to meet fellow yogis, learn the basics of the poses and ease in to guided relaxation. They go easy on the joints with minimal transitions and chatarungas.

With that said, we know your schedule determines when you can come in, so know that you are welcome in any class. Experienced yogis are no more advanced than you, they just know when to give themselves a break.

Help! I'm new to the studio.

Curious about joining Organic? Try our WELCOME special – take three weeks of classes for just $49 – that’s less than the cost of three classes!

It takes 21 days to start a habit so if you want to make yoga part of your routine, then this special is a great place to start. Yoga is certainly for everyone but not all classes are created equal. We can help you find a teacher and class that you resonate with.

Don’t want to sweat? Banyan Flow (vinyasa yoga) is probably not for you but mellow flow might be your new fave thing! Sequence, style, pace and temperature vary between teachers. Try a bunch and find what works for you.

Do I need to pre-register?

Preregistration is currently required for all classes. Booking ahead of time from our website or the Momence app guaratnees your spot and saves you time at check in.

Please arrive for class 5-10 minutes early so you have enough time to park, check in, and set up your mat. Please note, special classes, workshops & series also require preregistration.

Wondering how to book a spot? From there, you will need to create an account to select the class you want to register for.

What should I do before coming for class?

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids during the day (and everyday!) so that you are well hydrated for class. Avoid eating too much (a big lunch or dinner) an hour or so before practicing yoga.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to meet your teacher and get to know the studio. After your first flow yoga class, it is normal to be sore for a day or two. It’s a good idea to return for a second class within a few days.

Like any other form of exercise, it is important to rehydrate and replenish the body with water and a healthy meal.

What do I need?

If you have a mat, please bring it with you. There are mats at the studio to rent ($2) or purchase if you do not have one of your own.

We suggest bringing a hand towel and a full water bottle. In an effort to reduce waste and support our environment, we do not sell water. You are welcome to fill your bottle with our filtered water pitcher.

Coming from work? We have changing areas available for you.

Cancellation Policy

Please keep our cancellation policy in mind: Classes can be cancelled by the client using Momence during the early booking window (up to 60 minutes before class time).

If you late cancel or no show, one session or the cost of a drop-in will be charged to your account, no exceptions. We thank you for your understanding.


I'm pregnant. What classes are safe for me?

Congratulations, dear mama-to-be! Prenatal yoga is the best place for any pregnant yogi, so we recommend joining our prenatal yoga program beginning at the end of your first trimester.

If you practiced yoga regularly before pregnancy (2+ classes per week for at least 1 year), you may be able to continue practicing gentle, non-heated vinyasa classes (Slow+Simple or Mellow Flow are great options).

Please email us to discuss which classes are appropriate. Please arrive early and notify your teacher prior to class if you are pregnant so she or he can give you modifications for twists, backbends and core work.

Where are you located and where should I park?

We are located above Kampai Japanese Restaurant on the corner of the Vestal Parkway and N. Jensen Road.

There is free parking available at the studio. If you are coming from the East (Binghamton/JC), you can enter the lot from the parkway. There is additional parking available in the building next door. During dinner time (after 5pm), please fill our lot before using Kampai’s.

If you are coming from the West (Vestal/Endicott), you can park in the Kampai lot and enter from the stairs at the front right of the parking lot.


I have a class package from the old studio/software. Can I still use it?

Classes from MindBody account: All class credits and memberships were migrated from MindBody to Momence on June 15, 2024. Expiration dates remain the same as at the time your credits were purchased. 

Classes from JC studio: Yes. All students with remaining class packages from the old studio will be honored in the new location.

These classes will expire one year from the date of your first visit to the new studio or on March 23, 2020, whichever comes first.

Does the new studio offer aerial or heated classes?

Not at this time. In our transition to the new studio, we have decided to discontinue heated yoga and aerial classes.

If you want to get sweaty, try one of the following fast-moving classes: Vinyasa Flow, Power Flow, Strong & Soft or Cycling classes.